.. _s3ql: **** S3QL **** In this page you will find documentation on how to mount SWIFT object storage as a normal file system through **s3ql** in user space. S3QL has features like compression, encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival. Using s3ql a container/bucket can be mounted as a filesystem using swift's own native protocol and S3 on linux systems. .. contents:: :depth: 4 ============ Installation ============ Documentation on how to install s3ql can be found at: https://github.com/s3ql/s3ql/ and https://www.rath.org/s3ql-docs/installation.html. There is also a user guide: http://www.rath.org/s3ql-docs/index.html. ============ Configuration ============ 1. Create a file ~/.s3ql/authinfo2 with the following content: .. code-block:: console [s3] backend-login: backend-password: storage-url: s3c://proxy.swift.surfsara.nl:443/ fs-passphrase: By default, the data will be encrypted. The **fs-passphrase** is the password used to encrypt the randomly generated master key. This makes sure that s3ql encrypts data before it uploads the data to SWIFT. The **** and **** are the names of the container that is to be mounted. They are the same. Don't forget: .. code-block:: console chmod 600 ~/.s3ql/authinfo2 ======================== Mounting the file system ======================== 1. If you haven't mounted the container before, you first have to create a file system. You can do this, for example, in the following way: .. code-block:: console mkfs.s3ql swiftks://proxy.swift.surfsara.nl:5000/RegionOne: If you don't want to encrypt the file system you can use the commandline flag **--plain**, as in: .. code-block:: console mkfs.s3ql --plain swiftks://proxy.swift.surfsara.nl:5000/RegionOne: 2. Create a directory that is to be mounted .. code-block:: console mkdir /path/to/mount 3. Mount the SWIFT object storage For SWIFT: .. code-block:: console mount.s3ql swiftks://proxy.swift.surfsara.nl:5000/RegionOne: /path/to/mount For S3: .. code-block:: console mount.s3ql s3c://proxy.swift.surfsara.nl:443/ /path/to/mount By default, the data will be compressed. If you do not want this then you have to use the commandline flag ***--compress none*** when mounting the storage. ========================== Unmounting the file system ========================== Unmounting the file system is done by: .. code-block:: console umount.s3ql /path/to/mount