Python Library

In this page you will find documentation about the python swiftclient library you can use to access swift.

Library documentation

There are numerous libraries and bindings for OpenStack SWIFT. These are listed on:

The only one that is officially supported by OpenStack is the Python-SwiftClient. So this is the only one we will discuss here. The Python-SwiftClient has a Service API and a Connection API.

Connection API

A low level API that provides methods for authentication and methods that correspond to the individual REST API calls described in the swift documentation. For usage details see the client docs: swiftclient.client. A more detailed description and examples of the API is at the Connection API page.

One example of creating a new container is given below:

The script looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from swiftclient.client import Connection

_authurl = ''
_auth_version = '3'
_user = <user name>
_project = <project name>
_key = <password>

#For local keystone accounts

#For keystone accounts coupled to SURF CUA accounts

_os_options = {
    'user_domain_name': _user_domain,
    'project_domain_name': _project_domain,
    'project_name': _project

conn = Connection(

#Create a container
container_name = 'my-new-container'

If you are a keystone user with a local account, then both the project domain and user domain have the value Default. If you are a keystone user with a SURF Central User Administration (CUA) account, then both the project domain and user domain must be set to CuaUsers.

Service API

A higher-level API aimed at allowing developers an easy way to perform multiple operations asynchronously using a configurable thread pool. Documentation for each service method call can be found here: swiftclient.service.

More detailed information on this API is described at the Service API page. There are also examples given on that page. To let your scripts do the authentication you need to set some environment variables. That is also described on the Service API page.

One example of stat is given below:

First you need to set some environment variables for the authentication:

export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=<project domain>
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=<user domain>
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=<project>
export OS_USERNAME=<user>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password>
export OS_AUTH_URL=

Having done this you can run your script to do,for example, a stat on an object in a container. Such a script could look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import logging
import pprint

from swiftclient.service import SwiftService
from sys import argv

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_opts = {'object_dd_threads': 20}
with SwiftService(options=_opts) as swift:
    container = argv[1]
    objects = argv[2:]
    header_data = {}
    stats_it = swift.stat(container=container, objects=objects)
    for stat_res in stats_it:
        if stat_res['success']:
            header_data[stat_res['object']] = stat_res['headers']
                'Failed to retrieve stats for %s' % stat_res['object']

If you are a keystone user with a local account, then both the project domain and user domain have the value Default. If you are a keystone user with a SURF Central User Administration (CUA) account, then both the project domain and user domain must be set to CuaUsers. Running this you could get something like this:
