
In this page you will find documentation about an S3 client. Here we refer to buckets, this is the S3 term for containers. They are identical.


In this page you will find documentation about the AWS commandline client.


The AWS commandline client can be installed in the following way:

pip install awscli-plugin-endpoint
pip install awscli


First you need to create a file ~/.aws/config with the following content:

endpoint = awscli_plugin_endpoint

[profile default]
aws_access_key_id = <access key>
aws_secret_access_key = <secret key>
region = NL
s3 =
     endpoint_url =
     addressing_style = path
     signature_version = s3v4
     payload_signing_enabled = true
s3api =
     endpoint_url =
     addressing_style = path
     signature_version = s3v4
     payload_signing_enabled = true

Don’t forget to:

chmod 600 ~/.aws/config


Information on how to use the aswcli may be found at: s3 and s3api.

S3 Bucket versioning

It is possible to enable S3 bucket versioning. This can be enabled per bucket. If you do this then when you overwrite an existing object, then you can still retrieve the previously overwritten version. In addition, when you accidentally delete an object, then you can still restore the deleted object when you have bucket versioning enabled.


Note: No object will ever be thrown away. This means that you may end up with a lot of data in buckets where there is a lot of overwriting and deleting going on. So a manual cleanup may be necessary. Unfortunately, at the time of writing it is not possible to impose a life cycle policy so that versions are automatically cleaned up.

More detailed information on this may be found at: s3versioning. Below we will provide an example on how to do this with the AWS commandline client.

Enabling and suspending bucket versioning

You can enable versioning on the bucket in the following way:


It is not possible to turn off bucket versioning completely. However, it is possible to suspend it. This can be done by:

aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket <bucket name> --versioning-configuration Status=Suspended

Restoring a deleted object

Now if you, by accident, delete an object, then you can still retrieve it. Suppose we do the following:


What you can do next is list the versions of the object that are available:


Here you see a so-called “Delete Marker” indicating that the object has been deleted. In order to restore the deleted object you simply have to delete this Delete Marker and you will have your object back. This is done in the following way:


Working with multiple versions

Suppose we are uploading different versions of a file with the same name as shown below


After that we can list these versions by:


Then we can get the most current version by:


You can retrieve an earlier version by:


Listing version information

You can list all available versions of a particular object including the version id, modification time and if it is the most current version or not in the following way


A maximum of 1000 objects are returned at one time. If you have more than 1000 objects in a bucket you may want to use a script like the one that is provided at: This script displays the object name, version id, last modification time stamp, if it is the current version and if it is a delete marker.

The usage is:

./ <bucket name> [object name]

If the object name is provided, it will list information on this particular object and if not, then it will list information on all objects in the bucket.

Cleaning up a versioned bucket

If you want to completely remove a bucket with versioning enabled, then you need to cleanup all versions of the objects and delete markers first. After that you can remove the bucket using:

aws s3 rb s3://<bucket name>

A script that can be used to delete all objects, versions of objects and delete markers is provided at: Please use at your own risk.